Git and Non Repudiation, Revisited

[ARCHIVED] Zuletzt aktualisiert von Joe Schaefer auf Fr., 03 Jan. 2025    Quelle

This essay really pertains to DVCS in general, not just git per se. But we will focus attention on git because it remains the most popular DVCS around today.

Non repudiation is an important concept in security circles. What it amounts to is satisfying an enterprise’s need for acquiring activity records that “cannot be walked away from after the fact”.

With a traditional centralized version control tool, such records are readily available from the commit history. Each commit to the system goes through an authorization mechanism to ensure the person who made the change is authorized to upload it. Those records are vital to the enterprise to ensure that accurate records are kept which indicate who is responsible for uploading each line of code to the software in question.

With git, or distributed version control in general, there is a clear distinction between the “commit” history and the “upload” history — which I will hereto refer to as “push records”. Commits in git are not authenticated, because they happen locally, with local, unverified metadata added to the history. The upload step, aka git push is a separate step, and it is here that the push records come into play.

With The Apache Software Foundation‘s rollout of git, we baked into the system a way of recording those push records in a way that brings parallel levels of non repudiatable records that the org enjoys with its longstanding subversion service. For the system to work properly, it is imperative that committers push their changes directly to The ASF’s git repo.

Why is this important? Well for starters let me address a common misconception about the need for Contributor License Agreements (ICLAs) for Apache committers. Many people don’t seem to understand that as far as a committer’s individual works of authorship, there is no difference between the applicable language in the ICLA and the Apache License 2.0. The distinction lies in the fact that the org needs a contractual agreement between committers and The ASF to handle the proper process for dealing with third-party contributions. It is these forms of contributions that necessitate the ICLA, not some bizarre belt-and-suspenders penchant for contracting with others.

What push records provide then is a way of tracing back, to each line of code in a release, the individual committer responsible for pushing that code to The ASF’s git repository. This is critically important in determining provenance of a third-party contribution with git, because it is unfortunately possible for such a contributor to “walk away” from his contribution to a git project because of the distributed nature of DVCS commit logs. The responsible party then, according to the ICLA, becomes the committer who pushed the code.

Early and proper mitigation strategies all revolve around removing the abandoned contribution, but the damage to the project may already have been done. And without the push records, we’d literally have no authoritative process for determining how that code actually got into our repo, other than trawling through alternative records in issue trackers or on-list communications. Relying on merge-commit logs alone for determining provenance is not very satisfying from a security standpoint, because it requires rigid adherence to a particular type of workflow, which we don’t want to dictate.

Without such things we’d need to mandate at least PGP-signing of each contributor’s commit, which is onerous for many projects. Push records provide a transparent process that does not impact a project’s workflow, other than to ensure The ASF’s git repo is the true master repo.

2025 Update

Git has native support for signing keys, which are a great fit for organizational adoption of a 2FA Commit/Tag signing infrastructure which incorporates USB-C YubiKeys for laptop/workstation use.

The needless bloat and complexity of a full PGP Infrastructure is no longer relevant to solving the non-repudiation issues discussed above, across the organization or on a per-project level. And the nice GitHub integration facilitates this effort in full.

#DVCS   #icla   #non repudiation   #security   #version control  






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