Information Architecture

[DRAFT] Last updated by Joe Schaefer on Sun, 10 Mar 2024    source

Information Architecture


Information Architecture organizes and arranges the entire gamut of technologies relevant to the design, presentation, relationships, and architectural constraints that cover every URL you serve over HTTP, both publicly and privately. This essay is a high-level survey of my expertise in these areas; it is far from comprehensive given the vast field it intends to cover.

Human Interface Goals

Powerful Syntax
Hashtagged Seaches are Keyword Specific Instead of Generic Word Searches
Easy Scope Expansion
Interactive Results Filtration Engine

See the section on HATEOAS for an overview.

Built-In Performance Scaling to 100K document trees
Comprehensible Result Ordering / Prioritization
Per-User Security (ACL) Contextualized Results
Hits Linked Directly to Target-Specific Document Locations
Live, RealTime Results (aka No Stale Indexed Corpus)

Customer Adoption Goals

Deliverable as “application/json” Upon Request


Styling is Semantically Controlled by Customer Installation of the /content/css/boostrap.min.css File
search.html Template is Overridable by Customer Installation of the /templates/search.html File
main.html Derived Template is Overridable by Customer Installation of the /templates/main.html File

REST, HATEOAS, and Content Negotiation

Beautiful URLs — Both Permanent and Transient

Structured, Future-Proofed MultiMedia Content

GitHub Flavored Markdown with KaTeX\KaTeX and Mermaid.js Integration

YAML Headers for MetaData

A Turing Complete Programming Language Ain’t Data - it doesn’t belong in your content sources

The Value of Enabling Template Preprocessing on Content

Slowly Evolving, Centralized Configuration of Wiki Facts

The role of ssi Tags in Your MultiMedia Strategy

Access Controls on Content, from a Single Source of Truth Perspective

SunStar Systems’ Orion™ for ZFS-backed Platforms

  1. zfs clones
  2. zfs send/recv

StageMaster: Experimentation with Pure Client-Side State Engine

GitOps build workflows

  1. Frontend
  2. Backend
  3. Documentation